I'm seeking suggestions on removing/polishing numerous tiny raised pits on my radio bezel. I've tried the following
+1 on Rocketman's answer.
Do you have console or non-console?
I have a couple non-console bezels, one is aftermarket but looks fine (needs some black repainted), other is OE but has minor pitting, no bubbles as I recall, also could use some black repainted.
Console ones are notorious to go bad in the brushed aluminum looking area particularly. Good luck with that problem short of a whole console replacement at $1K on aftermarket with yet to be discussed anywhere, potential of not looking or fitting correctly... OR pay $300-$600 on used originals in rough or rougher condition than you already have. Ask me how I know, go ahead...If you have a non-console, (please, trying to sound humorous here) quit your whining
I could only DREAM of it being that easy to deal with! Those re-pops seem to all fit good and look great, just make sure you buy a metal one as I understand some are plastic.