Author Topic: Charlotte Autofair 2 vendor spaces and 4 entry passes April 4-7  (Read 822 times)

Offline CharlesTurner

  • Charles Turner
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I won't be able to go to Charlotte Autofair this Spring.  I have 2 spaces in the blue field, which is inside the track.  This would only be a one time deal, the spaces are mine every year that I send in payment.  The spaces are about 10x20 in size, they cost me $95 each.  There are 2 windshield decals if you want to just drive in and park.  Or, drive in a truck or a car you might want to sell.  There are also 4 passes to get in for all 4 days.  The passes are almost worth the cost of the spaces.

Great way to sell some parts or a car.  Would take $175 for everything.  Still a couple weeks left, so I could mail them out.
Charles Turner - MCA/SAAC Judge
Concours Mustang Forum Admin