Join us on Facebook: Search for 'ConcoursMustang' Private group! , Sonoma, CA August 21-24, 2025
I have a C4ZE Y1 (4th. wk of April 1966) 4 speed radiator that I will be having flushed/pressure tested at a local radiator shop. Should the radiator be painting semi-gloss black? Also, for what prices have these been sold?
When new they were more on the glossier side of semigloss spectrum however after a few heat cycles the paint typically dulls down .
Thank you for the information. Did the 65 66 radiators all have the radiator opening off to the side or were some in the center?
.... I don't have the gallery password.
Thank you for the information.I need to replace my top tank with the correct one.Can anyone steer me to someone that might have a tank?(1966 Mustang Dearborn top tank)
Thank you everyone. I found a tank and it will be installed next week.