[Note, my car is a 67 Fastback, has deluxe interior and Comfortweave]
When deciding what to do with seats I've run into a quandary.
My back seats look perfect so I plan on doing nothing other than a complete suction cleaning (upholstery suction cleaner).
My front seats are the issue. The drivers seat has a rip, but it's right at intersection of the smooth vinyl and the Comfortweave. I suspect the smooth vinyl had enough surface wear to it that I should replace it. I also think that if I do the driver's seat I should match the pax seat to it.
Thoughts on stripping down a bunch of spare rear seats and using the center panels as a replacement?
Any help on obtaining original smooth vinyl? The SMS is too perfect as it doesn't have the longer "streaks" of either real leather or the Ford smooth vinyl.
I do believe I can reuse the comfort weave and the piping.
Any and all thoughts here appreciated.