According to my PPG paint supplier..."many of the older colors do not translate to new paint colors. Approximately 90% of the colors from the mid-80's and back will not give a current formula in the newer technologies. That being said, we can match just about anything in the newer paints." Meaning they can mix and tint to match any sample provided.
Yes, they can match any OF THE NEWER COLORS by tinting but my experience with two paint stores I have tried, EVERY attempt to match any color will be paid for by YOU, the customer. At the prices for a minimum mix (a pint), you will likely spend a few hundred bucks on trying to match while in the end, settling on "close enough".
My suggestion, use the colors they have already formulated and save yourself the hassles of going for a perfect match unless money is no problem. If you have enough money and are willing to spend it freely, you can likely get a really good match but I would do this at a body shop with an experienced eye for matching colors for collision work.