I had a broken headlamp extension from someone rolling into my parked car many, many, years ago. I had bought a new Ford replacement and, for some reason, I kept the broken one (pretty smart for a kid of ~17. Either that or I'm a car parts hoarder)
When I finally got around to restoring my car, I wanted to put the original back on. Not only to have the original part back on the car, but also, mine was the early style and the replacement was the newer, squared-off style.
I bought the muggy weld, but I just wasn't comfortable to use it for the first time on this important part. So I decided I'd fix it using sheet metal and JB weld. My repair was solid (one of the breaks was on the pocket for tinnerman and screw). Attached are pics of the repairs. The first 3 show the breaks, the other 3 on how I fixed it