Unfortunately my car was repainted in the late 70's and the owner changed the original color from Calypso Coral to a custom mural green, it was a bad repaint and they black out a lot of areas including inside the trunk, but mostly just masked off the body and when I stripped the car down it had coral and green all over the place. I have attached a pre-disassembly photo and two tail panel blackouts. I disassembled the car 10 years ago and did not take detailed photos of the blackouts and other as I was not paying attention at that time and also did not know about the black out areas. I also have two pics that barely show the rocker and front of door areas, fenders removed. At the time was not thinking of a concours type restoration.
Regarding the honeycomb tail panel color and head light bezel inserts, what color should those be, I have seen much discussion but NO definitive answer.