The collar is part number 3491. I have five deluxe wheels and they are all the short ones you show in your diagram.
According to the January 67 MPC, the Mustang specific part is C5ZZ-3491-A. It could be (based on part number) that this is the same for 65-66 also. There is no separate part number for tilt vs. non tilt applications.
Also note that the Fairlane (B) calls for part C7OZ-3491-A. It could be that the deeper collar is for the Fairlane. I would not be surprised to find Fairlane wheels making their way into Mustangs.
Of course for my "it could be" statements, that is just speculation. The MPC has been wrong or misleading before. If you look at the MPC diagram in the "other" post, you will see that the center pad is carry over 66, and does not reflect the changes for 67.
I'll bo back to my first line, I have five deluxe wheels from 67 Mustangs and they are all the shorter variety.