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1969 Mustang / Re: Pull cup installation on Reproduction door panels
« Last post by Munypit on March 27, 2025, 09:32:08 PM »
I was wrong.  There is a piece of metal buried in the foam where the pull cup tab gets riveted.  I take back almost all of the bad things that that I've thought about these TMI panels. I haven't tried to install them yet, so I don't know if the clips are in the right spots.  For now, my only gripe is that the vinyl covered foam dents easily and stays that way.
1969 Mustang / Re: April 69 Boss red oxide?
« Last post by J_Speegle on March 27, 2025, 06:14:42 PM »

69 Boss 302 VIN# 9F02G189***
Built 4/25/69.
Owner claims that it does not have any traces of slop grey, but a rather dark red oxide type!
Did a search about Dearborn red oxide, but no conclusive info found.

Yes I can confirm that red oxide was used during Dearborn production in the month of April 1969 on the undercarriage floor from the firewall rearward. We already have confirmed that it was also used firewall forward on the vast majority of Dearborn built Mustangs and Shelbys that year until there was some testing of what they thinking about using planned 1970 production

I've identified some cars built during October 68, Dec 68, Feb 69 and possibly April 69

Of course close careful cleaning and looking for the original color (down to bare metal) in those spots more protected from the elements is always the best place to start.

Here is a group of red oxide painted floors and the related general production period that I've posted before

Now looking at the example from April could have been a reddish batch color as mentioned and shown below. the other 5 or 6 cars I have from mid to almost the end of April were just reports and I got no pictures with those reports and postings.

And to illustrate and example (similar I would guess with what Bob has witnessed) where the number of reddish color cars the day before was greater than norm creating a reddish batch color used on a small group of cars.

Hope this helps  and yes it would be good to get some pictures so that they can be fully examined and compared

1969 Mustang / Re: April 69 Boss red oxide?
« Last post by JohnB on March 27, 2025, 06:04:10 PM »
Red oxide at Dearborn is most typically seen very early in production . By April 69 slop grey was the typical . With that said that doesn?t preclude the red oxide just to say it is out of the ordinary. For example I have seen a very burgundy looking paint that maybe mistaken by the uninformed as red oxide but it was just an unusual mixture of slop paint. Be prepared for push back. You would typically need some type of documentation like restoration pictures in an undisturbed matrix to support why you made your choices. If that can?t be accomplished then it is best to go with the typical . That is if planning on showing in concours. Of course it is your car and it is up to you to determine which makes the most sense to you.

Paint may look burgundy, I just used dark red oxide as it was described like that by the owner. Hard to tell from the pics. May ask him for more pics.



Free or Trade / Re: 1967 390 thermostat housing
« Last post by Bob Gaines on March 27, 2025, 05:52:42 PM »
Had to think about that one Bob.   I looked back and found the thread about change over date from C6AE-G to C7AE-E intake manifold.                                                                   
 not much data, but:

 oldest C6AE-G casting of 6M9 reported
newest C7AE-E casting of 7B7 reported

that puts change over between late Jan 67 thru Feb 67.   Which would mean the large thermostat housings were still being used in Jan, maybe in Feb too.
That only means something if your reported data doesn't have any missing data and can be shown to be conclusive. Given Fords documented cut off date for intake do not jive with your data in concours for example you would be expected to have documentation(pictures etc) to support a later then 6M intake usage. Fords documentation trumps any well intentioned internet survey etc until more conclusive data suggests otherwise which has happened before but not for this
issue as far as I am aware. At least not yet. 
General Discussion / MOVED: April 69 Boss red oxide?
« Last post by J_Speegle on March 27, 2025, 05:05:16 PM »
1969 Mustang / Re: April 69 Boss red oxide?
« Last post by Bob Gaines on March 27, 2025, 04:39:49 PM »

69 Boss 302 VIN# 9F02G189***

Built 4/25/69.

Owner claims that it does not have any traces of slop grey, but a rather dark red oxide type!

Did a search about Dearborn red oxide, but no conclusive info found.

Please advice.


Red oxide at Dearborn is most typically seen very early in production . By April 69 slop grey was the typical . With that said that doesn?t preclude the red oxide just to say it is out of the ordinary. For example I have seen a very burgundy looking paint that maybe mistaken by the uninformed as red oxide but it was just an unusual mixture of slop paint. Be prepared for push back. You would typically need some type of documentation like restoration pictures in an undisturbed matrix to support why you made your choices. If that can?t be accomplished then it is best to go with the typical . That is if planning on showing in concours. Of course it is your car and it is up to you to determine which makes the most sense to you.
Free or Trade / Re: 1967 390 thermostat housing
« Last post by 67gt390fb on March 27, 2025, 04:25:48 PM »
Had to think about that one Bob.   I looked back and found the thread about change over date from C6AE-G to C7AE-E intake manifold.                                                                   
 not much data, but:

 oldest C6AE-G casting of 6M9 reported
newest C7AE-E casting of 7B7 reported

that puts change over between late Jan 67 thru Feb 67.   Which would mean the large thermostat housings were still being used in Jan, maybe in Feb too.
Wanted Ads / Re: '67 spot weld coupons
« Last post by Bossbill on March 27, 2025, 02:20:33 PM »
PM is not acting nice.

I'm cutting up a 67 right now.
How many inches of the rocker seam do you need?

Send email to bossbill [the at sign] comcast [the dot net part]
1969 Mustang / April 69 Boss red oxide?
« Last post by JohnB on March 27, 2025, 12:45:06 PM »

69 Boss 302 VIN# 9F02G189***

Built 4/25/69.

Owner claims that it does not have any traces of slop grey, but a rather dark red oxide type!

Did a search about Dearborn red oxide, but no conclusive info found.

Please advice.


Free or Trade / Re: 1967 390 thermostat housing
« Last post by Bob Gaines on March 27, 2025, 11:48:47 AM »
I have a half decent Jan 67(67 with 1 dot) thermostat housing (pictured), would like to trade for a half decent Nov 66 (66 with 11 dots) housing.  If not, then I will be using it on my own engine

note: these are the large thermostat housings
I believe those C5AE thermostats housings were used on Mustang FE engines on or before Dec 1966 . That was when the smaller thermostat came into use and consequently caused a change to the C7AE-A thermostat housing which was designed around the smaller thermostat. 
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