ConcoursMustang Forums

1st Generation 1964 1/2 - 1973 - Questions & general discussions that apply to a specific year => 1971 - 1973 => Topic started by: rickmustang on December 13, 2024, 05:50:00 PM

Title: Map Light Plug/Wiring
Post by: rickmustang on December 13, 2024, 05:50:00 PM
Would the plug exist on a 1971 wiring harness for the over the gauges map light if it did not originally come with a map light?
Title: Re: Map Light Plug/Wiring
Post by: midlife on December 13, 2024, 06:17:21 PM
No.  You need the optional convenience harness for any of the 71-73 years for the map light to work.
Title: Re: Map Light Plug/Wiring
Post by: rickmustang on December 13, 2024, 07:29:03 PM
Is that a harness that plugs in somewhere?can I purchase the harness and run the connection to the map light? Or is that harness ?built-in??
Title: Re: Map Light Plug/Wiring
Post by: midlife on December 14, 2024, 12:09:41 AM
It is a separate harness that plugs into: passenger door jamb switch, the plug that contains the parking brake sensor line, the ACC fuse buss extender, and into a circuit breaker thick line that runs from the starter solenoid through the firewall and ends in a 3 prong plug for seat back release, power windows, and rear defogger.  That harness is fairly rare, and differs for each of the 3 years. 

Since most of the wiring is hidden, you'll need the fused green/yellow #53 lead, the black/blue #54 lead, and a ground to power the map light.  I've made up one harness for a customer, and vowed not to do it again: too difficult to mimic the factory pick-up leads.