ConcoursMustang Forums
Marketplace => Wanted Ads => Topic started by: 67gta289 on January 30, 2011, 10:29:57 AM
Mod Note: Thought it might be helpful to put a number of these requests together in the same place and leave them as a sticky for others to add their requests to the list so that over time some mat be reunited with cars sold through the same dealer. Not sure if this will work better, if you found a match, responding to the thread or through PM so that we don't go down a rabbit hole with one specific request and dealer. Also please not posting of prices if you have a match since this can create a bidding war inside a thread. That is likely also dealt with in a PM. Thanks - hope this fills a need or want for some members
Wanted: San Rafael Ames Ford license plate frame. Send message. Thanks, John
(Found original owner, willing to talk, told me it was purchased in San Rafael. Marti report confirms.)
These have been found and procured.
Im hunting for an original mid to late 60?s era key chain, license plate frame and any signs, advertising or memorabilia from Williams Ford dealership in Daly City, CA. Dealership has since closed.
Looking for a Bill Morey Ford (Whittier CA) dealer emblem, or license plate frame
I am looking for a Foulger Ford Monrovia license plate frame. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm looking for a couple of license plate frames also...
Valley Lincoln Mercury
El Cajon, CA
Lambert Lincoln Mercury
Crystal Lake, IL
I'm looking for Floyd Rice Ford, Detroit Michigan.
Dee Motor Co., Barstow California
Only one needed
Thanks Robert!!!
I'm looking for anything from trotter ford in euclid oh.
But specifically s frame
Dee Motor Co., Barstow California
Only one needed
PM sent.
Looking Ray McGowen Ford in Ardmore PA.
Looking for license plate frame or any other paraphernalia from
Horn & Williams Motor CO
2060 S Buckner
Dallas Tx
I am looking for any kind of advertising from the Mel Burns Ford dealership in long beach California.
I am looking for a frame from Robert H. Loud Ford in Pasadena California....
Thanks, Pat
Not the real thing, but perhaps a reasonable facsimile:
Have one of these, still hoping to find an original...Thanks
Not the real thing, but perhaps a reasonable facsimile:
might check ebay for postcard of Horn-Williams dealership showroom
Big Al
I am looking for license plate frames from Broad Motors, from Phila. (at least in 1967).
Thanks !
Looking for S C Motors San Francisco license frame
Looking for S C Motors San Francisco license frame
S & C used metal license plate frames for decades. If your looking for just that dealership and not concerned at the moment with having the correct colors and being a period piece then you should be able to fine a pair. Will add a picture of one, if someone doesn't beat me to it, below later today.
Here are two examples. The upper left one is one from the 60's and the lower right example is from later - More than a decade. Both are chromed cast metal with 3D letters and details. Not some plastic cut out or sticker.
For the time being you might be happy with the newer version even repainted the blue and white pattern
Added pictures above.
Still looking for one usable DANA Chevrolet plate frame. Big money for a good real one. Local guy won't sell me his pair. Been trying for over 20 years ::)
Looking for original 1960s - 1970s Bob Brock Ford Big Spring Texas. License plate frame or the die cast trunk emblem.
Also looking for original 1960s - 1970s John E. Noyes Ford San Gabriel, California License plate frame.
Thanks to anyone who can help.
Looking for a Read Mullan license plate frame (Arizona) > 60's
EDIT: Found one at ebay and a big hand to Bossbill
" 'cause ya never know". lol. Looking for: "PRESTIGE LINC-MERC" 6661 WAYZATA BLVD. St. Louis Park MN. Now a Hyundai dealer. ::)