ConcoursMustang Forums
Marketplace => Parts for Sale => Topic started by: Windveil Blue on October 02, 2018, 04:36:41 PM
Ford B.F. Goodrich Spacesaver Spare tire and cover. F 78 -14; DOT Number "04900A404 2". The last three DOT numbers are the date code; 404 translates to 1974 40th week. Price $ 600
First, your Post should be separated into two Posts ; this is not the Section for "Parts For Sale", there is a separate Section for that (maybe Jeff or Charles can make that "split".
Secondly, you have a valid question on the "Space Saver" (or as Ford noted it "Collapsible Spare") which deserves a response.
The "Collapsible Spare" was first available in mid year 1967. I do not know the exact date, but it was between October 1966 and March 10, 1967, as these are the dates on the two "Salesman's Price Books" I have. No Part Number shows up in the Price Book, nor in the "1967 Only" Master Parts Catalog, nor in the 1960-68 MPC, for a 1967 Collapsible Spare. However, Part Numbers do show in the 1960-68 MPC for the 1968 Collapsible Spare ; the "Kit" is shown as C8ZZ-1508-A, the tire as C8AZ-1508-C, the "cap" as C8ZA-1720-A, and the inflator as C8ZZ-19C543-A.
Interestingly, in the March 1967 Price Book, it shows that of you had Radial tires, there was no charge for the "Collapsible Spare" ; if you had the Wide Ovals, $6.50 ; WSW Rayon tires, $13.08 ; and if you had BSW Rayon, $19.06.
Both the 1967 and 1968 Collapsible Spares were 7.35 - 14. Neither list the supplier (BFG, Goodyear, Firestone, etc.).
Does not appear to be a 69 Boss 302 spare but a later version based on your Shows "F 78 -14, Replaces 7.75-14 "
The "04900A404 2" would be the the stamp that would identify where it was made (just the tire part) and when Sorry don't have a decoder ring for BFG tires
Yes, Thank you both, I knew you could set me straight. Looks like this tire after the government mandated standard tire date code that came to be in 1971. The DOT code equals 1974 40Th week. Interesting, but not what I was hoping for.That is why i am a member of Concours Mustang Forums. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me.
Yes, Thank you both, I knew you could set me straight. Looks like this tire after the government mandated standard tire date code that came to be in 1971. The DOT code equals 1974 40Th week. Interesting, but not what I was hoping for.That is why i am a member of Concours Mustang Forums. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me.
Does the rim have the double style valve stem?
No it does not.
No it does not.
Maybe not correct in the strictest sense because of the date code on the rim and DOT date on the tire however the same comparable sized tire and comparable steel rim was used on Boss 302 if I'm not mistaken. Also used on 71-3 Pantera. Point is it is still a good piece.
The source I used: