... They also add a chemical to the water to prevent flash rusting so as long as it is kept dry so there is no rush to prime it.
Do you know what chemical(s) they used to prevent the flash rusting and any aprox. quantities of any other products (glass beading, chemicals etc.)
I am basically "READY" for this phase but my "body" got set aside for the winter months because there really are no predictable 60 degree days left in Ohio for about 4-5 more months
I might get a chance to work on other items in the meantime while working next to the wood burner in the garage. And then there's always that "money issue" to deal with...I've had another one of those interuption with finances, as for many of us, money can get tight at times...My 30ft. x 70ft. Garage MUST get a new roof...and I mean SOON! Big Bucks! (and these Bucks are not the kind with antlers)