C4ZF-10B944-R, C4ZF-10944-F, C5ZF-10B944-C are real part numbers, C5ZZ-10B960-B, -C, -D, -F are stock number.
I beg to differ---as a current Ford parts dude,we never refer to the eng# as a part number !
BOB--Phenomenal couple of posts !
+1 Ford Engineering numbers are not Ford part numbers. Everyone in Ford Parts and Service learns the difference first day on the job.
I beg to differ. You cannot make a replacement item without using a Ford engineering part number. One more time - a service number is a stock number, a spot on the shelf. The system Ford service uses is no different than Home Depot or any other store today. Home Depot uses a SKU number (Stock Keeping Unit) to order, inventory, stock and sell an item. The actual item has a manufacturer number used at its plant to make it. Ford service personnel are indoctrinated on day one because that service number is all they see, except when they open the box the part came in. For them, it works. For the rest of the world, and I'll include you as well, Ford Engineering part numbers still exist and are used.
CPIM (Certified in Production and Inventory Management)
Production Control Manager (four companies, Silicon Valley)
Inventory Manger (three companies, Silicon Valley)
Master Scheduler (five companies, Silicon Valley)
Logistics Analyist (Ford Aerospace, WDL Div)
Reliability Engineer (Ford Aerospace, SRS Div)